Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey

Benson family:
Garrett – youngest son
Two older sons
Ada – Mable’s sister
Snegurochka, The Snow Maiden – Russian fairy tale
Siwashing – Indian term meaning to camp in woods with no tent or other comforts
Ptarmigan (TAHR-mi-gun) – grouses living in cold, northern regions with feathered feet
For Discussion:
NOTE: page numbers are for paperback edition
  1. Discuss how Mabel survived and thrived in Alaska.  On page 331 she reflected that she "was making do, and somehow it suited her."  Could you survive in the wilderness or any other difficult environment and situation?
  2. How accurately do you think the author described life in Alaska during that time period?  Would you have considered moving there?
  3. Discuss how Jack and Mabel handled difficult situations:
    1. (Page 85) Jack had to remove himself from the situation, for example when Mabel lost the baby or when relatives said nasty comments about her.
    2. (Page 315-316 and 330) Mabel always let her emotions brew all day and then shared bad news at dinner.  Jack just wanted to eat his warm meal in peace and Mabel knew it was a bad habit.
  4. In her letter to Mabel, Ada wrote that she wanted to change the ending of The Snow Maiden and "have everyone live happily ever after.  We are allowed to do that, are we not, Mabel?  To invent our own endings and choose joy over sorrow?" (page 129)  Were any of the characters able to do this?  Do you think it is realistic?
  5. Discuss the different characters:
    1. What did you think about Esther?  Was it realistic that she and Mabel became good friends?  Would you like a friend like Esther who would just take charge?
    2. Were you surprised that Garrett and Faina fell in love?  Given that they spent so much time in nature, were you surprised they did not realize that Faina could get pregnant?
  6. As you were reading, did you think Faina was real or a product of Mabel and Jack's imagination the way Mabel invented fairies as a child and insisted they were real, or the "winter madness" that Esther thought?
  7. When Jack found Faina's father dead, was he right in honoring his word and not telling Mabel?
  8. How do you think Faina survived alone in the woods?
  9. Did you think Mabel reading The Snow Maiden as a child with her father influenced her in any way?
  10. Discuss the end of the story, particularly the fact that Faina had a baby like a normal human but then, at the end, just disappeared into apparently think air, leaving all of her clothes behind.
  11. Did you like the mix of reality and fantasy?  Why or why not?
  12. This novel was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2013.  Why do you think it was being considered?  Do you think the honor was justified?  Why or why not?
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and  Click on the upper right link.

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