Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Postmistress, by Sarah Blake


Iris James - Postmaster
Harry Vale – mechanic, nightly patrolled coastline for Germans

Frankie Bard – radio gal
Harriett Mendelsohn –Frankie’s roommate
Edward R. Murrow
Billy – 6 year old boy, mother killed by bomb

Jim Tom Winthrop
Maggie Winthrop – died in childbirth

For discussion:

  1. Edward R. Murrow’s three questions for reporting the news were:  1) what is happening? 2) how does it affect Americans?  and 3) what does the Common Man say?  Do you think current news reporting is following these guidelines?  Why or why not?

  1. Discuss Will Finch and how the events of his life affected his decisions.  For example, what effect did his father’s behavior during the bank crash and the death of Maggie in childbirth have on him?

  1. Discuss Will’s death.  It was commonplace compared to other deaths caused by the war.  Why do you think the author had him die in such an undramatic way?

  1. Frankie reported on some boys as heroes who, “…wept and picked themselves up and went on…”   How does this agree or disagree with your idea of a hero?

  1. Frankie did not tell Emma about meeting Will or the letter.  Was this the right thing to do?  Why or why not?

  1. Did you like the writing style?  Did you like the mix of real and fictional characters?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Brontes: Charlotte Bronte and Her Family, by Rebecca Fraser

Rev. Patrick Bronte: born 1777 (fear of fire, did not allow house curtains)
Wife Maria Branwell:  died 1821
Maria: died 1825 (model for Helen Burns)
Elizabeth: died 1825
Charlotte: born 1816
Patrick Branwell
Anne: born 1820

Mrs. Gaskell: Charlotte’s biographer

Miss Elizabeth Branwell:  Maria’s older sister, came to take care of Maria and stayed for rest of life

Moved to Haworth
Rev. Bronte became Perpetual Curate
Maria, Elizabeth and Charlotte went to Clergy Daughter School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire
Carus Wilson - Director
Branwell and Charlotte invented imaginary world of Glass Town (also called Angaria)
Emily and Anne invented imaginary kingdom of Gondals
Charlotte went to Roe Head School to prepare for occupation of governess
Margaret Wooler – headmistress
Mary Taylor – friend
Ellen Nussey – friend
Charlotte (age 19) asked to teach at Roe Head School with full tuition for Emily included
Emily did not stay, went home and Anne came as student
Branwell applied to Royal Academy of Arts in London – not accepted
Henry Nussey proposed  to Charlotte– rejected (Charlotte was second choice in one day)
Mr. Bryce – Irish clergyman – also proposed to Charlotte and rejected
Charlotte took temporary governess post with Sidgwich family (children 6 ½ and 4)
Willie Weightman hired as clerical assistant to Rev. Bronte
Charlotte became governess to White family
Charlotte and Emily to Brussels to the Pensionnat de Demoiselles
Anne – return to governess post (will be governess for 5 ½ years total)
Madame Heger
Monsieur Heger – Charlotte’s feelings toward him are questionable but nothing confirmed, wrote him numerous letters over the years

Willie Weightman
Martha Taylor
Miss Branwell
Anne – governess post
Emily – stayed at home with father
Charlotte – back to Brussels
Rev. Bronte’s health poor - Charlotte and Emily back to Haworth
Tried to start school at Haworth but no students enrolled
Charlotte decided to stay at home to nurse father
Arthur Bell Nicholls hired – curate from Ireland
Anne and Branwell returned home mid June
Branwell fired from tutoring position with Robinsons
Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell published in May
Branwell declined – receiving money from anonymous source – suspected romance with Mrs. Robinson
The Professor (rejected), Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey (both published) sent to publishers
Charlotte started to write Jane Eyre
Rev. Bronte cataract surgery successful, able to resume pastoral duties
Jane Eyre published October 16
William Smith William – first reader at publishing house
George Smith – publisher
Third edition Jane Eyre published
Anne’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall published
September 24 -  Branwell died
December 19 - Emily died
January 5 – confirmed that Anne had TB
May 28 – Anne died
October 26 Shirley published
Identity of Currer Bell became known
Charlotte met Elizabeth Glaskell
Charlotte in poor health, traveled
December 13 – Mr. Nicholls proposed
Villette published
Married Arthur Bell Nicholls
March 31 – Charlotte died
Mrs. Gaskell’s biography of Charlotte Bronte,  Life, published
Charlotte’s The Professor published
Patrick Bronte died
Nicholls left ministry and moved to Ireland, became a farmer
Nicholls married cousin
Nicholls died